January-I woke up and realized it was time to move on. I’m on my own for the first time in awhile. I visited my best friend, Mel, in Colorado for a week. We went snowboarding at Brekenridge Mountain that weekend. I love the feeling and sound of carving down the slopes. It was new beginning for me.
February-I was offered a full time position in Mission Veijo, CA at a periodontal and implant dental office. I moved away from my hometown to South Orange County on my own. I shopped a lot. I spent a lot of time in Laguna Beach watching sunsets and lounging at the local coffee shops.
March-I took a trip with my girlfriend, Nikki, to DC and NY. We made it to DC in time to see the Cherry Blossom Festival near the Jefferson Memorial. It was beautiful. In Manhatten I felt alive. I saw where the World Trade Center once stood and it reminded me again how precious life is.
April-I joined a women’s bible study group and transferred my membership to Garden Grove SDA Church. I started praying more and going to church more consistently. I finally let it go and let God . . .
May-Eeeek! I turned 29 and celebrated my birthday with family and close friends in OC.
June- My love for volleyball was rekindled and I started playing at the volleyball clubs.
July- I was busy planning Jen and Janssen’s wedding. I spent a lot of time with the Sacros.
August- Janssen and Jen tied the knot. I felt restless and was itchin’ to travel. I went on a trip to Toronto, Canada with my friend, Maria. I started to realize I wanted and needed change. I inquired about doing dental mission work abroad possibly in Guam, Philippines, or Thailand. I posted my place and car for sale on craigslist.com before i even knew where I was going . . .everything was sold in less than two weeks.
Sept- After only being in South Orange County for seven months, I packed again and left my worries, dreams, and disappointments behind for a small island called Saipan. God opened doors for me and everything fell into place.
Oct—I opened up myself to things I wouldn't ordinarily do. I picked up scuba diving as a hobby. I sing out loud. I stay up late. I stopped waiting for things to happen. Stu is lost and I realize its really all gone.
Nov-I was appointed to lead out in Women’s ministry for 2006-2007 church calender year. God is teaching me how to be a leader.
Dec- Im spending the holidays in the tropics and enjoying every minute of it.
So some things didn't work out like I had hoped but I know that its probably for the best.. . . Overall 2006 was probably the best year I have had in a long time. Definitely a year of personal and spiritual growth. I've learned that no matter where you find yourself today, you always have the opportunity to grow in some small way. No matter how small these changes are they will add up overtime to create massive life long growth. Things are more clearer than ever. I'm ready for 2007! Bring it.