There is a tournement called the Mariana's cup going on this weekend at the Pacific Islands Club featuring pro volleyball players from Japan and the U.S. There were many reasons why I wanted to play in this tournement: free t-shirt and your name gets raffled. If you win the raffle you and your partner get to play with a pro in the tournement!! Missy and I watched the exhibition games tonight and saw them compete. What can I say other than they're amazing! We were suppose to compete in this tournement but it fell on Sabbath. So we will just have to stop by and cheer on the local players like Ej and Michelle. Saturday the games begin and Sunday will be the playoffs.
Missy and I got a chance to meet the U.S. women pro volleyball players. Brooke and Angie Akers are both from California. Its their first time in Saipan and they love it out here. I was talking with Angie Akers about where she recommended volleyball clinics . . . she says that she recommends taking a volleyball vacation trip. She says they have clinics and volleyball tournements all day. That would be heaven for me=) I'll have to look into that and find a vball partner to go with. I'll keep you posted on who wins the tournement this weekend. Ciao!
From L to R: Michelle, Missy, Me, and EJ. I'm cheering for EJ and Michelle to win the women's division.
From L to R: Brooke, Missy, Me, and Angie Akers (pro volleyball players)
U.S. Men Pro volleyball players
I thought you were playing this tournament...
I played 4 games as pool today, and lost all games include against EJ's team. But it was fun. We will have a tournament tomorrow.(^_^)
Volleyball is my favorite sport! A few years back if you cut me, I would bleed volleyball. I slept, ate, read, and watched volleyball. When I could, I would read volleyball books. I was a Fanatic! Still am. I've even got a tattoo to show for it. -Steve (
i know you guys!! I'm so sad that I couldn't play this tournement=( But I am excited about the beach volleyball league starting up again in March=) Its great that there are so many volleyball fanatics out here! Life is great=)
I too played the mAriaNa's Cup this year. My partner and I were fortunate enough to take 2nd in the Men's division.
It was my final MC and I'm :-(, but I loved everyone of them. Winning with Dalhausser last year was sweet but taking a second with Saki this year was the ultimate way to go out.
I noticed the picture of us on your site and was wondering if you had any more to share. If so would you be so kind as to email them to me at
Great site and good luck next year.
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