Layla: The scientist in our group. We would hang out at Java Joes for coffee and go over my DAT flash cards. I was reviewing for dental school and she was reviewing for medical school. We'd have a blast diving together. There was always something we would laugh so hard about underwater.
She worked and lived in Costa Rica for a short time doing research on the conservation project for the turtles. She's an explorer, down to earth, and really fun to be with. Layla put so much into her kids throughout the school year. It was really touching to hear her students say their farewells and how much she has impacted their lives. One kid said she wanted to be baptized one day because of Layla's positive influence. I think she'll be successful in whatever she decides to do with her life. I'll miss you Layla!

Rosanna: (Left of Missy in the pic). One great surprise in the midst of everyone leaving is Rosanna. She's from Texas and is here to teach ESL at the SDA school for the summer. She's a good friend of Brit's and I am just happy she's here to keep me company even if its just for a little while. She's also been teaching me how to make delicious Indian dishes. Watch out Taste of India!
Missy. Where do I start! I think I felt the closest to Missy. Missy and I are just meant to be friends. We dove together, beautified the cnmi together, and chatted about important "stuff". She just gets me.
Missy is the type of person that tells you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. She's dedicated, positive, and passionate about her students here in Saipan. I'm hoping that she does decide to come back for another year because we've got plans to travel. But even if she doesn't I know we will always remain good friends.

Our mud pie was on fire!
Our food was delicious.

Photo Credit: Rosanna
And in the background the jazz pianiast played Leaving on a Jet plane while the mud pie was on fire. It was the song we sang at the wake of Brit's farewell. Only we sang a better version of it. Miss you guys.
1 comment:
Awww. Good Times
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