Fridays are my half days which pretty much leaves my afternoons free to do anything. What I love about Saipan is the ability to seek out adventure whenever you want it. Yesterday we rode the Aqua Jet Boat out to the dive sites Bonzai and Wing Beach. I was looking forward to these dives all week since these are the only dive sites I haven't been to yet.

I LOVE Nudibranchs!

My dive buddies from left to right: Ken, Yuko, Mayuki, Atsuko, Crystal, Me, Missy, and Layla.

I don't think it could of been a more perfect day to be out on the dive boat. It was bright, sunny, and the water was 83 degrees. While I'm riding on the dive boat the waves and the wind both take my cares far away and I am in total peace. From the view on the dive boat you can see the brilliant red patches of flame trees all over the island. The first dive spot was Bonzai. We saw a huge Napolean Wrasse! This picture does not do it justice.

We dove the arch at Wing Beach on the second dive. We explored all the little nooks and crevices of the arch. Wing Beach is definitely one of my favorite dive spots in Saipan.

Missy going through the swim throughs.

Lion Fish

I have the greatest bosses,
Crystal and Ken. They are just really cool to work for and dive with. Crystal had a head cold and wasn't able to equalize so she had to go back up. There's Ken taking pics.

Layla crusin' over the coral. This was the last dive of the year for Missy and Layla since they will be leaving for the states this Sunday morning. I'll miss them but I am hoping they will have a change of heart about staying another year. (fingers crossed) Kudos to Mayuki, Atsuko, and Ken for these pics.

Head first. Diving isn't so scary anymore. Thanks Missy and Layla for the lesson.
Fun Times! It was a super day for a dive! You've got some great shots.
That looks really nice. I want to go diving with you. I just finished my last day in palau. Tomorrow I blow off nitrogen, can't dive, and have the trip home from hades that starts at 2 am.
Ken & Crystal: I had so much fun! Lets go diving on Sunday again!
Jeff: We should get a boat load of saipan bloggers together for a dive.
let's do it
These pics inspired me to jump on aqua jet yesterday. Great work.
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